Reformed Evangelical Church in Hsinchu
Studying Theology as a Servant of Jesus (John M. Frame)
以耶穌僕人的心志學習神學 (John M. Frame)
Introduction to the Reformed Faith (John M. Frame)
Jesus Christ and Him Crucified (Martyn Lloyd-Jones)
耶穌基督並他釘十字架 (鍾馬田)
Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God (Jonathan Edwards)
落在忿怒之神手中的罪人 (愛德華滋)
認信聖經無誤的意義與當今適切性 (林慈信)
有道可傳,以經解經:建立一套認信的神學的迫切性 (林慈信)
The Death of Christ (William Ames)
The Death of Christ (中譯, William Ames)
加爾文的雙城記 (陳佐人)
The Reformed Faith (Benjamin Brekinridge Warfield)
改革宗教會史 (宋宜真)
The Weight of Glory (Clive Staples Lewis)
不變的神與不斷禱告的人 (方鎮明)
The Word-less “Church” (W. Robert Godfrey, 朱一民譯)